Easter Idea: Some bunny loves you pillow case

Some Bunny Loves You Pillowcase
It cant be personalized up to 11 characters.
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piday.org: "Pi Day is March 14, 2006 (3/14).
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Book a room at a Universal Orlando® Resort on-site hotel for 4 nights or more and get FREE theme park tickets for 2 adults and 2 kids (ages 3-9). Tickets are valid for up to a week’s worth of unlimited park-to-park admission to both Universal Orlando theme parks. Offer is good for stays through April 6, and April 23 through December 21. Book by April 2, 2006.
Bad speech moment: floating smiley
I was not the speaker, but I have been there. I could help but laugh and feel sorry for the speaker at the same time.
Let me set the scene: Church. Sunday meeting and a speaker is at the pulpit trying to spread the good work.
Unfortunately, there was a party of some sort a the church during the previous week and someone let a mylar balloon of a smile face go. At first it just hangs on the ceiling, but then the heating kicks on. Now the smiley balloon is roaming around the room. Of course it stays out of reach.
Everyone is amused by the balloon and ashamed for not paying attention to the speech.
FINALLY, the balloon drops low enough, is caught and is removed. It is a palapble relief to everyone when it is gone.
The speaker handled it very gracefully. Rather than getting flustered, he included himself in the joke by acknowledging the distraction, then redirecting to the topic at hand.
I am looking into affirmations for both speech topics and weight loss/better health. I found a website that helps understand the topic. Any otheres?
AffirmationsBig Lie. You most likely will need to do an affirmation 400-500 times daily if it is a "big lie" (i.e. your affirmation is "I weigh 132lb" when the scale would reveal 200lb). In the case of a big lie you need to self-hypnotize yourself with the excessive repetition, otherwise the part of you that knows the falsehood will cynically respond "yeah right". This self-hypnosis (or you might call it heavy advertising or brainwashing or overpowering) is absolutely essential for the process to take hold. Once you repeat the affirmation hundreds of times, there is a small part of you that starts to say "perhaps"- it is this shadow of doubt that will allow in new experiences and new behaviors. Suddenly when confronted with an old familiar behavior pattern, you realize that there is another choice available for you.