Nethax: "Nethax is an ajax implementation of said best video game ever made. It was created to help introduce the game to the legions of children who have no idea what a 'shell account' is. The creator also hopes it will allow him to play the game from work."What is Nethack
From the land before 3DFX, before VGA graphics and DOOM, before the IBM PC, way back in the dark ages of Unixland, there was a game. They called it Rogue. People played it, and found it good. From this basis, Hack was born. Soon Hack became Nethack, because it was developed by many people (and has nothing to do with hacking the internet). And people played this on many machines, from Unices to Macs to PCs, due to the amazing power of Open Source Code.
Nethack is this amazingly simple yet additive game, although I like the Slash'em version myself.