Saturday, September 04, 2004

Kindness in Family

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. He illustrated this great teaching with the example of the good Samaritan, who performed acts of kindness and mercy when no one else would help. Then the Savior said, “Go, and do thou likewise.” The Savior taught us to love and do good to one another.

What about the kindness we show to our own family members? The most important and sometimes the most difficult place to show kindness is in our own homes, to our parents and to our brothers and sisters.

The Primary General President tells this story:

When our son Mitch was 10 years old, he wanted to help our family, especially if he could make it fun. When no one was looking, he put a bell on a string around his neck and pretended to be a bellboy as he helped with family jobs. When family members noticed things were done, he would just say, “It must be the bellboy.” Mitch was a great help to us and also brought fun and delight to our family.

Just like Mitch, we can decide to help our parents and brothers and sisters by being kind to them. Aren't they are closest neighbors? When we think of Jesus' command to love our neighbors, remember that our family members are our neighbors too.

In the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Theme for next toastmaster's meeting

THEME: Write your own romantic tip or idea. Of all the relationships in
life, our romantic relationships are the most important, most enduring
and can bring the greatest pleasure or the worst pain of our lives. So
for this week, share with the group a romantic idea. Maybe its something
you have experienced or maybe its something you would like to share.
Please note: Keep them in the PG realm please.

For example:

1 – Give you sweetheart a dozen real roses and one silk rose with a note
that says “I will love you until the last flower fades”.

2 – Buy several small candies, the one’s she really likes, and hide them
in various places so she will find them over the course of a week.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Skool Daze

I thought I had graduated from school. But now, with the kids in
school, its even worse. Instead of just doing, or not doing, the
homework, I have to try and get several other people to do their
homework. It would just be easier to do it myself.