Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ray saves the day

awesome vintage label
Originally uploaded by construct.
Last monday I ran out of gas on the way to work. Of course, my car pool buddy (CPB) was there to taunt me. Yes, my son did tell me at least three three times I needed to put gas in the car. But when I got in the car the fuel gauge said just under a quarter of a tank. That is plenty to get to work and go get gas during lunch. At least it is supposed to be plenty. It wasn't.

The Saturday before this Monday I had messed up my knee helping out at my daughter's soccer game. Walking to a gas station didn't sound like a lot of fun. It sounded like a lot of pain. The good thing was I was able to get off the freeway and within 2 blocks of a gas station. Not a bad place to run out of gas, if you have to run out of gas.

CPB is a member of AAA auto club. We called and they said it would be 30 minutes or so. I could hobble on my bad knee the two blocks in less than that so we started off.

That was when we met Ray. Ray was stopped for a train and noticed us walking off. Ray called to us but we couldn't tell what he was saying with the train and the traffic. Ray then proceeds to drive his truck over to my stalled car, losing his place in rush hour traffic. Ray then dumps an entire 5 gallons of gas into my car. That is over $14.00 worth of gas.

Ray shook my hand, hopped back in his truck and was gone. If anyone sees Ray, tell him thanks for me. I really appreciate his help.


At 8:33 AM, Blogger Matthew O. Smith said...

When we think of doing good deeds, its often stopping to help someone stranded on the road. However, there are lots of ways to help someone in need.

Some other ways that come to mind include:
* helping someone get a special birthday present ready when the giver is way over his head and doesn't even realize it
* going above and beyond in helping your coworkers

Thanks Ray.


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