kutv.com - Get Gephardt: Mysterious Phone Fees
My wife noticed an $8.50 extra change on the phone bill. We finally got it removed. Get Gephardt ran a story just afterward. The amazing thing is Qwest's response to both me and Gephardt: "they collect the bills and are not regulators." The person I called aty Qwest said it was my problem and that they didn't have any resposibility in the matter.Isn't there supposed to be a Consumer Protection regulating the phone company?
kutv.com - Get Gephardt: Mysterious Phone Fees: "We found out the charges are coming from a company called Discounted Telecommunication Services.
And that $8.50 monthly services charge is for directory assistance.
But these people don't use directory assistance by phone.
Sandra Remy say, 'i thought it was a tax the first time i saw it.'
'I wonder how many thousands of people out there are being charged $8.50,' asks Dave Hancock.
None of the people who have called me say they ever signed up for such monthly charges for directory service.
When we called Qwest about all this, they said 'we only process the bills. And anyway, the telephone for the company they are billing for is printed right on the bills.
That number appears nowhere on the Remy's bill.
So we asked Qwest to at least print on the bill a description of the services, not something misleading like 'monthly services'.
In the meantime, apparently anybody who actually catches the charge and complains to Discounted Telecom gets their money back.
We asked Qwest if this series of complaints might warrant a little investigation.
They told us they collect the bills and are not regulators."
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