More ways to help the Katrina victims
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
How has the Church responded?
Church Welfare Services personnel are in the area and are assessing the disaster and the most needed supplies. The Church has food and emergency supplies positioned in five local bishops' storehouses. In addition, truckloads of food, water, clothing, hygiene items, tents, tarps, and other items have been shipped to affected areas.
How can I help?
All are encouraged to pray for those who suffer as well as for those providing relief. Funds may be provided to the Church to support relief efforts by:
- Mailing a check to:
Emergency Response Fund, Welfare Services
50 East North Temple Street, Room 701
Salt Lake City, UT 84150
- Donating online at LDS Humanitarian Services Giving Site.,7133,1325-1-9--cWELFAREPOSTER,00.html
- Donating to fast offerings or to the humanitarian fund of the Church through your local ward.
- Calling 1-801-422-3945 (for credit cards) or 1-801-240-7688 (for checks).
What if I would like to do more?
If you would like to help more than what has been suggested, please consider the following:
- Funds are the immediate need. The Church often uses funds to purchase supplies near affected areas.
- The Church cannot accept unsolicited contributions of materials, supplies, food, or other goods.
- The Church does not ship unsolicited donations on behalf of individuals or groups.
- The Church ships food and emergency supplies only after carefully assessing needs. Shipments often are coordinated with government and charitable agencies.
I am, truly and sincerely,
your friend and well-wisher,
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