Wednesday, May 12, 2004

What I like about GMail

Let first state that I consider web based email a necessary evil. Its
slow, cumbersome, in-the-way, and just an all around bother. Give me
something like Thunderbird and I can really get through my email in a

GMail has changed all that. Here are the current list of things I
like about using GMail:
* It is fast. I can get through my email faster using the web than
I can using a client like thunderbird
* My inbox is not cluttered. I don't have to worry about losing
anything so I label and archive. As a matter of fact, I have filters
setup on all my mailing lists so once a read a message, I can just
archive it.
* Did I mention is was fast?
* I don't have to wonder, "Am I going to need this sometime in the
future". Just archive it and if I need it, I can use Google's Super
D. Duper searching.
* The way it handles conversations is amazing. No my mail doesn't
fillup with various pieces of a conversation, but just a single
conversation that can be expanded or ignored. Nice.
* It pretty fast to.

Ok, its not perfect
* The contact list could use some attention.

It is fast though