JSF: Ultimate in Flexibility? or Complexity?
JSFThe editorial on JSF exposes some of the weaknesses of the new and upcoming JSF spec, from someone who has worked on competing or alternate ways of doing things:
- It has too much flexibility and is too granular. The net result is that it is harder to use, rather than easier.
- It has been a long time coming and is still not here yet
At a time when Microsoft is making strides to make application development easier, JSF adds complexity to Java application development.
The atricle also mentions Struts but says it is "non-standard", I guess meaning that it doesn't come from Sun.
A couple of thoughts:
- Just because something isn't from Sun doesn't mean that it is not valid. Part of the power of Java is that it is not rigidly controlled by Sun. The specs are freely implemented by others, witness BEA, IBM and JBoss with j2EE containers; eclipse as an IDE, Jikes as a compiler. All of these "non-standard", non-Sun products add to the power Java and its ability to be used in a variety of applications.
- JSF may be complex, but it would be just the thing a descent GUI builder would need. The same GUI builder could make Swing apps and Web apps and have to power to really do everthing that needs to be done. Isn't a GUI builder exactly what Java is missing that Microsoft has?
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