'An amazing story' of giving that could change our world
From USA Today there is an opinion piece by DeWayne Wickham which is worth reading. It is about Harris Rosen.
He is neither a presidential wannabe nor a political thug. Rosen is not a bigot or a high-profile fool. And as best I can tell, he isn't a heartless robber baron. What he is, however, is a very wealthy man who likes his charitable giving to be up close and personal.
Rosen, who owns seven Orlando-area hotels, has put to good use Booker T. Washington's admonition to "cast down your buckets where you are." Since 1993, Rosen has used his wealth to help revitalize Tangelo Park, a once drug-infested, trouble-plagued unincorporated community near his International Drive hotel properties.
"This kind of program, if replicated, will change our society so we don't even recognize it," Rosen says of the Tangelo Park Program he funds. The twin cornerstones of this effort is Rosen's pledge to provide free preschool education for all 2-, 3- and 4-year-old children, and a college education for all high school graduates in Tangelo Park.
How often do we wait for the government to save us and our communities? A single individual can do so much, yet we often do not see it. I hope others catch the vision of Harris Rosen.
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