Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Parents Television Council Action Center

If you are dismayed at what is now shown on television, today is the day to take a stance.

Parents Television Council Action Center: "The airwaves belong to the American people and broadcasters 'borrow' them for free in return for a promise to promote the public interest. The networks have not upheld their end of the bargain -- and now they are actually going to court to sue for the 'right' to use the public airwaves to broadcast indecent material into millions of American homes.

That's why we urgently need your action. We need to demand that Congress give the FCC the authority to impose meaningful fines. Right now the FCC can only fine stations a maximum of $32,500 -- a meaningless slap on the wrist for the multi-billion dollar media companies. To put this figure in perspective: the FCC imposed the maximum fine allowed by law against CBS for the Super Bowl halftime show in which Janet Jackson exposed her breast. But CBS made that money back in just seven seconds during the 2005 Super Bowl. Each 30-second ad brought the network $2.4 million last year."


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